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David Kopielski
75 articles

1/48 Freedom Models X-47B UCAS

September 11, 2020 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2K

This is the 1/48 scale Freedom Models X-47B UCAS aircraft built by Northrop Grumman as a possible aircraft for use on aircraft carriers. Two prototypes were built and completed the initial flight testing before the program was cancelled. The overall kit was very good. It would be better but the decals being off register and the misspelling. For fit it was very good and the instructions were well thought out. The decals actually applied well. They do give you options for different schemes, however they only give you instructions for two schemes so you are left with a few decals with no reference to designate where they go. One final note, when I was reviewing the photos I took I kept thinking that the front on shots remind me of the alien fighters in the movie “Independence Day” with the intake looking like the front windscreen. You can see all the build details and photos in the build log section.

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9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Very cool! How big is it compared to a Hornet or Tomcat? There are couple of things that strike me as odd design choices compared to the B-2 or F-117. The first is the amount of aerials. I would've thought they would be retractable not just hanging out. The second are the navigation lights. I wonder why they stand proud of the wing instead of being flush? Even planes like the F-5, F-104 and the Convair deltas had flush mounted lights.

    It does look good all finished up though and I like the shape. Great job on it.

    • Its wingspan is 14" so about the same as a 1/48 A-6E.The length is 9" so about 1/2 the length of the A-6E. Remember that this was a prototype so the antenna's and lights were on for safety of flight. If the program would have continued it most likely would have had some minor changes especially when they would do the stealth testing.

  2. David, this is an excellent build!
    I love the shape of the plane too!

  3. This is a great looking model, David (@davids_models), even if it doesn't have a pilot in it. I am always impressed by how big these vehicles are in real life.

  4. Nicely done! Who needs a pilot? Just kidding.

  5. Nice and clean build, David.
    An impressive looking plane.

  6. Looks great! Nice clean build.

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