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Carlo Farina
49 articles

An X-wing wreck crashed on a swampy planet

September 19, 2020 · in Diorama · · 18 · 3.5K

Looking to an old model of a x-wing, I had the idea of ​​refreshing it a bit with this choreography.
I imagined it crashed on a swampy planet after an hard battle with the empire. This is the result.

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10  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Cool dio! Wonder if there will be any war bird collector restoring it back into flight condition in the future 🙂

  2. Well done! I like these type of scenes.

  3. Nicely done! It does remind's you of a crashed war birds.

  4. Very nice, inventive work. Great result.

  5. Very realistic diorama

  6. Great idea of liven up an existing model, Carlo!

  7. Excellent diorama.

  8. This is awesome, Carlo (@carlofar206). What a great idea, and well executed.

  9. Lovely work! What products did you use for all of the foliage?

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