1/32 Italeri F-35A Lightning II - RAAF
Here's the latest model off the bench - Italeri's 1/32nd F-35A Lightning II.
This was built out of the box, with the exception of Eduard's seat belt and cockpit set. The kit itself goes together really well, with the only filler being needed on the fuselage to wing join which wasn't the best. There's lots of nicely moulded detail in the landing gear and weapons bays, which with some careful painting comes up well.
The most time consuming part of the build was the painting process - it took hours, and hours, and hours, and hours... you get the idea... of masking the RAM panels. I went for an early-build RAAF machine provided in the kit, which has the higher-contrast paint job. More recent deliveries have a far less contrasting paint finish which would have made life a good deal easier. Still, I think the earlier schemes are more pleasing on the eye.
Apparently the jet pipe is a little undersized, but I didn't bother replacing it. Detail is a bit soft here to be fair, and the exhaust is the weakest part of the kit.
Overall though, a nice and simple build, that takes up a lot of room on the display shelf!
Regards to all,
Another great looking build as usual.
Looks like you had some nice time doing the masking. Quality time, according to me, as masking is such rewarding bit of painting a model. May take hours, like you say, but five minutes to unmask before you see the final result in its full glory.
Great paint work. It will be interesting to see if the real aircraft turns out to be as good as your model.
A great build indeed, Thomas!
And an excellent paint job!
I couldn't agree more with Haslam's @haslam55 above comment: so spot on!
Looking great, Thomas.
The hours you spent on masking was really worth the effort.
Beautiful paint work.
G'day Thomas,
Great to see an Aussie F-35.
I have the Meng 1/48 kit to do (as A35-001) and am contemplating how to mask the seals.
Well done.
Nice work. What paints did you use?
All that work paid off - looks fantastic.
A job well done on this model Thomas, nicely done.
With all due respects ... I am very much in par with Stellan.
You spent long hours on the paint job, I see this as FUN and what is included in this great hobby.
Masking and unmasking can be a tedious task, but really when one sees it, it is a skill learned and applied. There is a very good sense of surprise, accomplishment and pride when one sees the end result, and this shows here.
FUN all the way!