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Daniel r
4 articles

Nagmachon, The heavy APC

October 10, 2020 · in Armor · · 10 · 3.5K

Hi, this is my , the heavy apc based on centurion. This vehicle is so ugly, but it grows on you.

This is the excellent kit from , one of the best I've built. I finished this kit 2 years ago, when I wasn't too experienced, but I really like it.

The kit itself is highly detailed, even including some interior. The fit is excellent, and the instructions are very similar to Tamiya (even the color call out are for tamiya, hmmm..), which make this kit a pleasure to build. One of the only down side were the rubber tires, which is a pain to glue and paint.

I painted it with Ammo mig IDF Green, followed by a dark brown pinwash, some chipping, and heavy use of Pigments - actually I've used only one pigment here, the only one I had, because I was still new to the hobby.

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10 responses

  1. Hi, I think you may have forgotten to add pictures.

  2. Another nice one,looks great. The Israelis sure could adapt a vehicle

  3. That thing's so ugly, it gets to its target by revolting the enemy, who turn away before they regurgitate their last meal! 🙂

    Excellent work on this... thing.

  4. Nice work, Daniel. Israeli armor is always interesting.

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Great work on this Nagmachon, too tell you the truth ...
    I fail to see the ugliness mentioned, but that's me.
    This one seems set for a diorama Daniel, it should be interesting to see.

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