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Allon kira
71 articles

Tamiya, T-34/76 in 1/35

October 8, 2020 · in Armor · · 12 · 3.9K

Hi everyone, here are some images of my , in .

Collors and weathering effects by Ammo-Mig, AK, Tamiya

Have a great day 🙂

Reader reactions:
19  Awesome 1  1 

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. I sure wish I knew how to do what you do with that weathering on your model. So much depth and variation. Excellent Build!

  2. Thank you, Walt! @luftwaffe-birdman
    Well, it's all about layers.
    Rust color
    Chipping effect liquid
    Russian green
    Washable white
    Some dark and light washes
    Final touches with oils
    Best rgds?

  3. This is another wonderful model you shared with us, Allon.
    All small and big details are beautifully represented, and of course that painting and weathering.
    (As usual:) Congratulations on that excellent model!

  4. Allon, @allonkira67
    This is the ultimate build to show us the various weathering techniques you have on display here. Each time I look closer at it, and notice yet another detail that I didn't see before. Your T-34 is a masterpiece ! All of your armor builds are excellent and extremely realistic... but so far I think I like this one the very best. I believe since we both have experienced living in (and on) a real life tracked vehicle as part of our military service, we can see things that some wouldn't normally pick up on.

    Nicely done my friend, and I pressed the liked button too.

  5. That’s some outstanding modeling. Even though I’m not much of an armor guy, I do know that kit is really old. You’ve shown that skilled modeling can make an oldie stand up with the latest and greatest. Well done.

  6. Excellent white wash finish and overall weathering.

  7. I'm not much into armor, but this is exceptional. Wonderful job!

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    This is an outstanding model Allon, the wear and weathering are very good.
    The sole regret is not seeing it on a diorama.

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