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Tucker Simpson
3 articles

552nd Clone Snaps

November 7, 2020 · in Sci-fi · 4 · 2.3K

So I've created my own custom star wars Clone battalion called the 552nd. this was one of my more recent members of the battalion. Hope you all like him! He's got a story and I've made various other clones from his battalion and ill probably post pictures of them too.

Backstory: CT-2522 or Snaps was a clone in the 552nd outer rim attack battalion. He was relatively young near the end of the war and was often seen as a rookie by most of the clones in the battalion, but ARC captain Pyke would often have his back as they grew to be very good friends through the war. Even though the clones were bread for war, Snaps would often get nervous before combat or a mission and developed a nervous tick of snapping his fingers. He was often teased for this and that’s how he got the name Snaps. Though Snaps was newer to the war, he was a excellent soldier who followed every order he was given without hesitation. He was tasked to Void company and operated as a recon specialist for the unit.

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5  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Nice story, Tucker, thanks for posting this. What size/scale is young Snaps?

  2. That's a beautiful model, Tucker!
    I loved the back story too!
    Waiting for your next jobs!
    Welcome aboard!

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