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Tzigkounakis Tasos
47 articles


December 15, 2020 · in Aviation · · 16 · 3.5K
Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Hi Τάσο!
    This is a superb build, another one of your spectacular jobs on a challenging kit.
    You really nailed the camo!
    I've got the same kit in my stash, your build being a great temptation to start mine.
    Well done!

  2. Superb. I haven't seen this kit before. Did you open the cargo doors and build out the interior structure?

  3. Hey Tasos ! well done on what I know is a very tricky kit and not one for the faint hearted, you are now part of a very exclusive club here on iModeller ,well done. Getting this puppy all lined up takes a lot of patience as I found out. I love your camo paint scheme and that you opted for opening the clam shell doors.
    P.S. Spiros! don't keep looking at it buddy join the club and build it, I dare you ...!

    • Challenge accepted, my friend Neil @neil-foster!
      Just took it out of my stash!
      Off to the Work in Progress - Aircraft Group Build!

      • You're going to make an amazing job of this Spiros , I can't wait to see it. Any ideas on the colour scheme ,OOB or something else ?

        • I would like to finish it as Hellenic Air Force 52-133 "Νίκη 4".

          This plane took part in operation Νίκη (Victory), the code name given to a secret military mission of Greece on the 21st to the 22nd of July 1974 to Cyprus for the purpose of transporting paratroopers to the airport of Nicosia. The mission was partially successful and was described by the international press as a "suicide mission".

          52-133 was accidentally shot down by friendly fire, outside Nicosia airport, all but one perished.

          It is a sad story.

          My build will be a tribute to those brave men.

          It will be finished at a camo like Tasos, as it wore this camo the day it crashed.

          Well, I have started already! Here is my progress on that not extremely easy kit, where everything is warped!

          More to come, my friend Neil @neil-foster!

  4. That is fantastic! Love the paint work - especially the faded orange sections. I recently got rid of this kit from my stash (size considerations), and now I'm kinda regretting it!

  5. WOW. Super model, reflecting great skills in fit and finish.

  6. Absolutely well done, Tzigkounakis.
    You made this workhorse look fantastic in this scheme.

  7. Another triumph of skill and talent over plastic. A great result!

  8. Very nice build. The faded paint and detail work are particularly well done.

  9. Airborne all the way. Geronimo !

  10. Hello Tzigkounakis,

    This is "Old school" modelling. Carton box, some loose parts and a bleached out leallet with the instructions.. You did a marvelous job on this old workhorse. That is still flying around.

    Greetz, Dirk

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