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Paul Barber
44 articles

2020 – More Bad News…

December 20, 2020 · in News · · 21 · 2.4K

Although not the most important news currently, still another awful event in 2020.

A fire has significantly damaged the warehouse.

This from the company:

Dear clients,
Today, unfortunately, there was a fire in the Moste building, which we rent for our warehouse. Fortunately, no one was injured. Our production is based in our own building at Obrnice. We immediately started looking for replacement premises so that we could restore the normal operation as soon as possible. We estimate it'll take a number of weeks. Until further notice, we are not able to process orders via the e-shop. It will be great if you will support us via your retailers and distributors. Thanks everyone for your support. Last but not least big thanks to fire fighting teams on site today!

PS: we postpone release our Christmas video for few days

News reports said there were some smoke inhalation hospitalisations - but thankfully no casualties.

Against the backdrop of coronavirus this is of course not the 'event of the year' - but a big blow for a company given the economic issues all businesses face currently.

2020 - what a dreadful year!

Stay safe, everyone - have a peaceful and healthy New Year.

Reader reactions:

21 responses

  1. Paul, @yellow10
    This is horrible news... and thanks for letting us know.

    I'll do my part to help support them, and order a few more of their kits from a Stateside distributor here in the US. Hopefully, if more of us did this, it will trickle back to the company and allow them to rebuild that much faster. If anything, this might cause a "run" on Eduard items, much like the recent toilet paper crisis.

    • Things sometimes take a little longer to get to Aus - I'll support them with a couple of purchases after Xmas!

      • Paul, @yellow10
        I'll most likely purchase a few more Eduard kits after Christmas too. Thank goodness that no one was seriously injured.

        Material things can be replaced. It becomes harder to replace material things, when you are emotionally attached to the lost items. But people can't be replaced... So there was a little bit of a silver lining in this cloud.

        Merry Christmas to you and your family. I also like the new look of your profile page ! Well done my friend. 🙂

  2. Definitely is bad news. But thankfully the injuries were minor. All our prayers to everyone at Eduard's and their families.

    • Indeed, Chuck a really bad time for a set back. Just like Wingnuts and also Taurus in Poland (with their beautiful engines and aftermarket) thoughts with people and families who must be concerned to suffer difficulties over this busy season for sales and at this precarious time world-wide.

  3. According to the guy I work with at Eduard, the damage to their stuff, while significant, is not horrible, since they had already sold so much. They'll up production after New Years and be putting it in a new warehouse.

    So yeah, not good news by any means, but not close to fatal.

    And yeah, order Eduard kits. They're the best anyway (sez I, halfway though yet another P-51D).

    2020 can't get in the rearview mirror fast enough.

    • Thanks for that update, Tom. Slightly better news if they had sold most of the stock - hopefully the Spitfire MkII's were already out of the door! It would be a rotten time lose a batch of their Christmas products to yet another 2020 crisis.

  4. Bad news indeed; let's hope they will recover soon. And let's support them as best as we can.

    • Hey Spiros, I am currently putting the finishing touches on a the Condor Legion He 51 (Roden sprues but an Eduard box , decals and aftermarket stuff). I might just build up at the109E1 in that double pack since I am at it! Just to show the love - and leave space for another box or two in the new year!

  5. What an unbelievable year 2020 is regarding bad news.
    Let's hope that 2021 will be a year of a lot of good news.

  6. Rock on Eduard. Rock on. You are the best!

  7. So thats why they stopped saleing products on their website 🙁
    I will buy a lot of stuff from them to support them.

  8. I've gotta say 2020 has certainly been a year of firsts, and not in a very good way. But the human spirit always seems to always push on and overcome. Don't need any additions to my stash but I do see adding an Eduard kit very soon.

  9. Gotta respect the way the Eduard folks have built them selves up from producing Photo etch accessories to resin parts to limited run plastic kits to now wonder kits over the past three decades.

    2020 has been kicking everyone around these days and we should not surprised that it decided to hoof us right in the hobby. Thankfully, it wasn't a fatal one for Eduard.

  10. Jeez! ... 2020 just keeps getting better and better! And it still has another 11 days to toy with us! I'm starting to know how the mice my cat finds are feeling! First Wing Nuts, now Eduards, whats next? Airfix swallowed by a volcano?

    Come on 2021!

  11. Hey Colin, generally the hobbyist companies are said to have done ok out of lockdowns. We modellers have ‘dug in’ and bought more kits and supplies. Hornby (Airfix parent company) actually turned a profit for the first time in a while! Hopefully many in the business have had this silver lining - and as Tom says, hopefully the kits have flown out of the warehouse. However, Airfix has reportedly been having difficulties for a while.

    What a great hobby this is! I would imagine we have all been very happy to have it during lockdowns!

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