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Tom Rodgers
34 articles

F-86 Egg Plane

December 14, 2020 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.4K

I just finished this little beauty for my youngest grandson, Colton, who will be two next month. It is the Hasegawa kit but I took some "liberty" by putting his name on it. Vallejo metallics over Tamiya gloss black primer. Kit decals and the custom made "LT Colton". I decided to paint the yellow and black ID stripes instead of using the kit decals. I built the Hase F-22 Egg Plane for his older brother two years now they each have one of their own. Hope you like it.

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6 responses

  1. Cool little build up, Tom. Hope the boys like it! These egg planes are a unique little package. Ive got their P-51 ready for paint, pretty fun, well crafted mini-kits.

  2. Nice job Tom! I have been blessed with my first Grandchild. She's 9 months old. Next summer I am hoping to start building her a Gee Bee pedal car. I bought the plans back in the late 90's hoping for this time to come.

  3. Your "egg" F-86 looks great, Tom!
    I am sure you had lots of fun putting it together and your grandchild will love it.
    I've never built one, but I am tempted to.
    My local hobby shop has two last Hasegawa pieces: a Blue Angels F-18 and a Hughes 300 helo...

  4. Cute looking F-86! My first grand child is due in January.

  5. These Egg planes are soo cute, you would almost become ignorant of the absence of aerodynamic properties...

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