Italian Stallion...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana

January 31, 2021 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.8K

Built in 2016.

Besides a bunch of factory fresh G-6s the also received a few used ones from German JGs that were stationed in Italy. Usually the a/c had the German grey camo but some were already "italianized" by the Germans like this 109 which most probably came from JG4 and served then with ANR 2nd Gruppo caccia in 1944.

kit with decals, painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

19 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Excellent build, perfect camo, Reinhard!

  2. Thatโ€™s sharp.

  3. Very nice camouflage

  4. Very nice Italian 109, Reinhard.

  5. Ditto to the above. What is impressive is the quality of all the builds your father produces Reinhard. Your father is very consistent in producing a high standard of kits. While your photography is on par with your fathers work. The photos go along way in showing and communicating to the viewer that something special is being done. Of course for some of us it motivates us into wanting to do the same and bring our A game to the table.

    Two thumbs up.

    Congratulations on making 100 articles too.

  6. Another fine example. Excellent work!

  7. That's a nice 109. Different paint scheme and very interesting. I like it a lot.

  8. ๐Ÿ™‚ ... Greetings ... ๐Ÿ™‚ :
    Very nice show piece Reinhard.
    Good work and a very well accomplished camouflage scheme.

  9. Thanks for your kind words, appreciated!

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