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Ulrich Albrecht
3 articles

More Models

February 17, 2021 · in Ships · · 6 · 1.6K


The great and friendly reception I got in this group motivated me to resume my modelling activities that have been dormant for more than 40 years. I just ordered a scale Graf Spee from and a 1/570 scale Scharnhorst from . I would love to built the Heller kits in 1/400 scale, alas there is not enough space for more than one big ship; and 1/700 is somewhat too small for older eyes. I just added Hood and Belfast in 1/600 scale.


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3  Awesome

6 responses

  1. Those are great news, Ulrich @albreuf!

    Nothing better than to get your mojo back!

    If you so wish, you may post your build progress by starting a build thread as part of a Group Build here in iModeler.

    A most suitable GB for your ships' build threads is definitely "The Armada II", hosted by @michel-verschuere :

    It will be really nice to post there your building steps, so all of us can admire your progress and comment in a companionship constructive manner. It's fun and a great motivation booster! It's also a nice " building diary"!

    Looking forward to your builds!

  2. As Spiros says, the group build pages are great for that as your post will get bumped to the top when you add to it, not buried like they would here so all your in-progress photos/updates will stay in order and all in one place.

    Glad to hear your news, diving in with both feet eh?

    Oh and I left you another comment on your Tirpitz posting regarding your stripe questions.

  3. Welcome to the most friendly and skilled modeling family on the WWW! Let us have it in the Armada II group. I created it when the old one (hosted by @dirtylittlefokker) sadly disappeared, snif...

  4. Thanks, I will try to do this in my next build. It will be a while since I am planning to keep on switching between model-train mode and ship building mode. The last 3 weeks was ship building time. Next one up will be Revell's Scharnhorst sometime in April/May.


  5. On looking at the reviews of the Airfix HMS Hood and HMS Belfast, I decided to cancel the order. Apparently, the forms are old and worn out so that there is a huge amount of flush. Graf Spee had better reviews, and Scharnhorst is a Revell kit.


  6. Hello:

    I ordered three more after Scharnhorst from Revell in 1/570 and Graf Spee from Airfix in 1/600:

    Heller 1/400 Z31
    Trumpeter 1/700 Prinz Eugen
    Revell 1/720 Graf Zeppelin

    The Trumpeter 1/700 is a waterline model. Unfortunately, there is not enough space for more than one 1/350 model of a big ship. The Z31 is small enough.


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