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Ross Paton
31 articles

Something Different. Hasegawa. Camel.1/16

February 3, 2021 · in Uncategorized · · 16 · 2.6K

Present from Dearly Beloved! Thoroughly enjoyed this. Didn't go as far as this guy with individual turnbuckles I'm afraid!

Lost my eysight threading the rigging. The tail area was most troublesome. It's not that strong so if you overtension the control wires the lugs will break. It's a lovely kit and I discovered the joys of clear Orange for wood effect. Tyre decals were a disaster so none. Few decals (instruments and tailplane). Airbrush didn't get much to do either.

As an added nbonus I'm allowed to display it in the living room instead of with my "Nazi Memorabillia Collection". 🙂

Gives me a notion to try a Artesania Latina Triplane!

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 1 

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16 responses

  1. Lost of words, Ross!
    This is really amazing!

  2. Instructions were interesting. How about "Components of the wing by performing a tension cable after letting retrofit sufficient please"? Or "Please go bent slowly along the curve of the seat"?

    Woe betide the builder who follows them slavishly anyhow! Lots of pre planning required.

  3. This is truly a work of art. How many thousand turnbuckles would that have been?

  4. This is unbelieveble, Ross.
    An incredible build and good news that you are able to display it in your living room.

  5. This is the first one of those that I’ve ever seen built. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Really nice, Ross. I like the wood effect. Your time and patience really paid off. Again, great job!

  7. Thank you for the kind words. Has anyone had a bash at the Artesania Latina kits? They are all wood and metal.

  8. The Hasegawa 1/8 SE5a was the first wooden plane I built age 9, bought it second hand from my piggy bank. It survived until last year when I had to part with it for space reasons. Great kits!

  9. This is the second of these I have seen built. The guy who did the other one said similar things about the instructions and what it took to get to the finish line.

    Nice work on a project that is definitely not easy.

  10. That was the other thing. The guy who made turnbuckles also made a new wooden prop!

  11. Beautiful! I am sooooo envious! I'd love to build one of these Hasegawa classics, too rich for my blood even if you can find one!

  12. Ross, @ross4
    This is a magnificent build ! I have only see one other one built up. Lots of work goes into these type of builds and the end result is stunning.

    I have an unbuilt wooden Model Airways Albatros D-V kit sitting on a shelf... Going from memory it is 1/16 scale or very similar size, and it is a combination of wood and white metal / pewter parts. That's some build journal you posted the link to.

    My other hobby is scratch building 1/6 scale flying electric powered RC airplanes, and I specialize in WW1 era aircraft. I draw my own plans up and start with a blank canvas. Currently I have a 1/6 scale Curtiss Jenny... it has an 88 inch wingspan. So far the majority of the fuselage and tail section is done. The lower wings are built and covered. The upper wings are built. Others I have done are a Nieuport 17, Fokker D-VII, and a Bleriot 11.

    Thanks for sharing these works of art with us.

    • Wow. Yes I have never tried RC aircraft which is odd since I am farming and have the space!
      People are being very kind but this was a plastic kit although it does look good. Scratch building is a whole nuther thing!

  13. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Good work on that Ross.

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