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Charles King
123 articles

What - is this an engine?!!!!

April 9, 2021 · in Automotive · 16 · 1.8K

From a simple toy model engine, to an almost believable working engine. The photo in the top left corner is the original excavator which is scale 1/24 - 1/25.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

16 responses

  1. Indeed, the end result is amazing, my friend @tiking!
    I love seeing toy-ish/basic parts being improved to look "real".
    Once again, kudos to your skills, the engine is a joy to watch!

  2. Very impressive! My compliments to you sir! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  3. More amazing work from you, Charles, I can hear this now, outside on the street, ticking over while the driver chats to the girls passing by. Definitely liked.

  4. The King doths returnith! Nice!

  5. Amazing what can be done with some paint, wire, and a working knowledge of the topic at hand. From "what is this?" to "wow!" in six smart steps.

  6. Profile Photo
    said on April 12, 2021

    amazing work

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