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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

1/35 Das Werk Faun L900 incl. SdAh 115

May 11, 2021 · in Armor · 9 · 2.5K

Das Werk, You did real German style model!

Well, here it is after some time… I really don’t want to write anything about Faun, everything can be found via net.

I started this model last year during Corona lock down. I was simply amazed! This is Lego in modelling! Believe it or not, but I didn’t use a single putty in this kit! Everything is german style precise! Abnormal joy to build!

I finished truck with just a few modifications, I have added old Dragon figure, and put some MiniArt posters from early war inside the cabin. Also, I have added rods inside side walls of cargo part. I didn’t finished trailer since couple days ago. If I haven’t be doing some other stuff this model could be finished in just a few days, it is so good. The only problem with this model can be only modeller itself.

I have painted model using acrylics and lacquers, weathered it with oils. The completed model is huuuge, and I really mean it, it is HUGE! I put old Panzer and staff car to add to pictures the real size and capability of Faun.

I’m really speechless, I can only say that I will recommend this model to all of You.

Cheers and feel free to comment.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

29 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Fantastic job! Looks great.

  2. Massively amazing, Djordje! For me, building this would be a lifetime's commitment. You have done a marvelous job.

  3. Wonderful work, Djordje!
    Thanks for the kit info, as well!

  4. Great build, I always wondered about this Faun. Read a couple of reviews on it that are generally ok, although the first editions suffered from some suspension issues that were apparently solved in later issues by increasing the wheel size. Great work!

    • The instructions about suspensions are a little bit confusing, I consulted some YouTube channels and read reviewed instructions on Das Werk website. The only drawback for me is very subtle sign of Faun which I broke and lost.

  5. Amazing, never heard of this before, definitely liked.

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