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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles


May 25, 2021 · in News · 13 · 3.5K

This from one of the new owners of, Chris Decker

Hello fellow modelers!

We are excited to announce that will be returning, under new ownership and management! Squadron will be back!

As most of you know, MMD-Squadron Holdings, LLC (The parent company of and Military Model Distributors) filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy earlier this year. After 53 years of providing a place for modelers around the world to purchase their new and most favorite models and supplies, the end looked like it was upon us. This was a travesty we could not let happen!

Knot Models is a hobby merchandiser founded in 2016 that primarily does business in the Amazon Marketplace. Knot Models was founded by Chris Decker, a 20 year industry veteran who has built up and sold both hobby retailers and manufacturing companies over the years. Some of you might be familiar with Trident Hobbies, which became, and the model lines, Midship Models and Yankee Modelworks. Chris founded or was instrumental in bringing these lines to the marketplace.

In April of 2021, Knot Models purchased the business assets of MMD-Squadron holdings from the bankruptcy court in Texas. We have been working tirelessly since then to rebuild and replace the systems that needs to operate. We have also been working to source inventory from manufacturers and distributors around the world. Our goal is to relaunch in early June of 2021 with over 15,000 products available for you to purchase!

As we get closer to our launch date and have more details, we will be sending out more information. We are excited and eager to join you in this new chapter of!

Until then, Happy Modeling!

Chris Decker

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

13 responses

  1. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. If they wanted to do anything that would bring success, go look at how Jerry did most things (other than his relationships with employees - the one thing I know is he didn't pick me out to pick on, he picked on anybody and everybody sooner or later). Do like Jerry did as far as the biz for modelers was concerned. Look at what the Yuppie MBAs did, and don't do anything they did. My bet is that would be a formula for success. And don't worry about being thought a miserable SOB - everybody thought that of Jerry, but he was our miserable SOB. And it worked.

  3. Good luck to them. They have a huge mountain to climb.

    • I wish them luck too and hope they will succeed. Myself never had an issue with them. Didn't deal with them a lot but whenever i did I was able to get what I ordered and within a week to So Cal from Texas.

  4. Good luck! More choices and competition is good for us.

  5. Thanks for the heads up, my friend @uscusn!
    Good luck to them, hoping they will run efficiently.

  6. Good to see them active again! I am not a plane builder but I heard they made some good kits. Always sad to see a kitmaker disappear but now they are back! From a business perspective, this may not be the easiest business plan given the competition of Asia but some newer manufacturets like Das Werk in Armor show that Semi Western brands can survive if the model choice works out while manufacturing costs are kept down. In the end, the mold makers and injection moulding process is largely digitized these days: If you can draw it in 3D, you can make the mold automatically in metal and then produce scores of kits! @uscusn thanks for posting!

  7. Bittersweet. Generally had good service from the old Squadron I just hope they don't go with the line "lowest prices anywhere" again as generally they were 10 to 25% higher than most other online or brick and mortar shops. Also I would hope that their postage would be reasonable.

  8. Good news. Coming from the trenches one knows what it takes to dig deep.
    Old soldiers never die. Before they fade away. Pass it on !

  9. I've been a Squadron customer since the 1970s, when the brick and mortar Squadron Shop in Silver Spring Maryland was open! I think the old website had a part to play in Squadron's demise, it was difficult to use, and searching for say "1/48 P-51" would result in a plethora of items, almost none related to a 1/48 P-51. A user friendly website will definitely help the relaunching of Squadron!

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