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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

Show in Arlington, Sept 11 – iModeler Meet-up?

August 11, 2021 · in News · · 5 · 1.5K

The Ft. Worth Scale Modelers is holding their show in Arlington next month, and I was talking with another iModeler friend about possibly meeting up there when I wondered "why not see who else in the iModeler community is in the area?"

So if you are near the DFW area (that's Dallas/Ft. Worth for our non-USA iM friends), plan on attending the SuperCon 2021 show and would like to meet fellow iModelers, send me a PM. If there is interest, I'll coordinate a meet-up.

Here's the link to the show:

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5 responses

  1. I don't want to hijack your post, but I was wondering the same thing about IPMS Nationals coming up next week in Las Vegas. I am attending and looking forward to an incredible show. Pre-registration indicates that this will be a record turnout. I would enjoy meeting fellow iModeler members there and seeing live what has been posted here at the show.

    May be a good idea to create a show group here? To post this info on shows for iModeler members to post and possibly see each others handy work first hand.

    • Good idea Walt @luftwaffe-birdman . Would you like to set up a Shows Group for us all? We could use a headline post to draw attention to a particular show, then take the conversation around coordination for a show to the Shows Group.

    • IPMS Nats are not going to be as incredible as you might hope, @luftwaffe-birdman. Neither Special Hobby nor Eduard are coming over, due to the pandemic, probably the same with HLJ. Given the average age of modelers who go (and the unfortunate fact that not all modelers are geniuses - there are way too many I know even in an "enlightened" place like here who are in the "it's a hoax" brigade) many people I know have canceled or never planned to go because of the virus. While a one-day show like Arlington, running for maybe six hours, is likely doable, 2-3 days at a Nats (they're traditionally no place to think of staying six feet away from people) is way too much exposure. Vaccinated people may not be the ones ending up in ERs and ICUs and mobile refrigeration trucks, but I for one suspect that even catching it at our age while vaccinated will result in a stronger case, plus most guys our age have comorbidities. And like I mentioned, there's all those guys who embarrass the Older White Male demographic. IM has already lost enough members to this.

  2. Great idea Greg, I've had the privilege of meeting several iModelers at the Columbus, OH as well as Indianapolis, IN, shows. Also met up with another at the USAF Museum in Dayton. Great fun and we talked about modelling for hours. It's also nice to meet in person the the man behind the photo. Won't be there but encourage those in the area to link up.

  3. I live one county over in Carrollton and plan to attend.

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