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1/32 Dragon Messerschmitt Bf 110D

October 6, 2021 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1.7K

This is 's Messerschmitt Bf 110D with the markings of M8-SP from 6./ZG 76 Greece in 1941.
Cockpit modified with Eduard instrument panel and seat belts.
Exhausts are from Quickboost
Paints: Gunze Sangyo acrylics
Decals: EagleCals #32-119

Happy modelling

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11  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Beautiful work Tolga, @tolgaul, typical of your excellent building and paint work of what looks like a really nice kit. Love the markings, I built its stable mate in 1/48 from Dragon's Cyber-Hobby line, and it was a fun and very enjoyable build.

  2. Amazing detail work,great job!

  3. Nice work (as is usual) to the standard High Standard (again as usual) with this excellent model, @tolgaul.

    I remember how every i d i o t in the hobby was terrified that TC's review of the terrible/awful/bad Dragon P-51D, ending with the photo of the model in the trash can, was going to truly "kill the hobby."

    But a funny thing happened on the way to the Model Apocalypse - Dragon's next release was this really nice Bf-110 series. And if you look in the instructions, you will find a "thank you" list of all the Subject Matter Experts they consulted in the creation of the kit. And their Bf-109E series is considered Best in Scale.

    But trashing that P-51D was "crossing the Rubicon," everyone just knew that Dragon would take their football and go home and never ever let us ungrateful modelers ever have another of their wonderful releases.

  4. Quality build as usual Tolga.

  5. Excellent build, Tolga!

  6. Nice work Tolga, really nice model to check out! Can't imagine the patient and care you put into the canopy work, very sharp!

  7. another fantastic build! Since I just finished a 110 I can appreciate the effort - well done!

  8. Yet another Tolga Ulgur masterpiece. I am amazed that you can keep up your output when you put so much care in each model. Great mottling, detail painting, decaling and weathering overall. You have subtly highlighted the surface detail with the subtle paint work you did. I am on the fence about adding rivets to my own 32nd Dragon 110 and I am once again thinking they are not so necessary.

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