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Anthony Ricco
47 articles

10 - AMT - Anakin's Podracer

October 17, 2021 · in Sci-fi · · 12 · 2.8K

What an incredibly fun kit to build, from the subject to the fit and finish I had a ton of fun.

The details are great and the figure was amazing to paint, a few gaps here and there on the pod but nothing that was too tough to fix up.

The rockets is where I had the most fun, painting with metallics and then drybrushing on different colours to make it look like it was hot and burning.

The kits base was nice but was a bit uninteresting so I decided to give it a desert look and wanted the design on the base sticking out of the sand like a relic being uncovered.

I really enjoyed this kit, I'd recommend it to anyone who asks.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Unusual but beautiful build, Anthony @anthonyricco
    The detailing and painting is exceptional.

  2. What a fun off beat build. I really like the work you did on the engine pods. It looks ready for the Green Screen with an exciting backdrop. Great build really!

  3. An amazing build, Anthony! A nice divergence from our usual modeling norm!

    • Thanks Spiros, yes, fun to do something a little more out there, every now and again - you can get a little more creative with. I enjoy mixing up my subject matters.

  4. Nice work on the engines - the whole thing looks very imaginative. I have to admit, I've only seen clips of the pod race. Episode 1 was so bad I walked out and convinced them to give me my money back. Your model is far better than that entire movie.

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    To tell you the truth Anthony ... this is ONE of the best top notch build
    I have seen of Anakin's Podracer ( trust me, I have seen many, the STAR WARS franchise
    STILL has me doing commission work here in PR )
    Kudos on the weathering, chipping and the detailing on the engines.
    Thank you for the fine images and for sharing them.

  6. Well done, Anthony (@anthonyricco). The weathering looks awesome, and I really like the purple power crackling between the pods.

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