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Alistair Gauld
118 articles

Mach-2 1/72 Bell X-1E

October 2, 2021 · in Aviation · · 18 · 1.6K

I bought this a long time ago as it was extremely cheap. I didn't know about Mach-2 at the time and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it might be when I found out.
The decals were absolutely horrible and were prone to disintegrate on contact.
This is probably not worthy of an RFI there are a few touch ups to be done to the decals but otherwise it's done.
The plastic was almost translucent, and it did require a fair bit of sanding and trimming to get bits to fit.
Oh and a lot of filler.
It looks OK in the cabinet beside it's big brother.

Painted with Flat White, Flat Aluminium and Nato Black.
Finished with Windsor & Newton Satin Varnish

thanks for looking,


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5  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Looks great, Alistair (@alistairfgauld). I think sometimes we need to build a kit like this so we appreciate the more modern kits and their parts that actually fit.

  2. Finishing a Mach2 kit is an accomplishment by itself, let alone delivering an amazing result, Alistair.

  3. I agree with Spiros , I tried a Mach 2 kit a Seabee floatplane it was, it ended up in the bin...
    Well done !

  4. Although you had to fight for it, you delivered a great result, Alistair @alistairfgauld
    Didn't know about Mach2 kits, but seems better to stay away from them or buy them when you're in for a challenge.
    Yours definitely looks amazing.

    • Thanks very much.
      Mach 2 kits are best avoided unless you have no choice or a lot of skills that I don't have.
      They do, however, produce some kits that no-one else does, so...

  5. You're a braver man than I, Alistair. If there's better proof of the accuracy of the old statement about pigs and lipstick, I don't know what it is.

    How about telling us about that cool X-craft you have there?

    • Thanks Tom.
      The X-Craft is the 1/35 Merit International, as was, kit.
      I think they are called I Love Kits now.
      It is a fantastic kit which fits together really well and the only fault I could see was that
      they put linkage for the diving planes on both sides when it was only on the starboard.
      It's an easy fix.

      My Dad was serving aboard HMS Syrtis at the time of Operation Source.
      The X-9 and the transportation crew were lost when the tow rope snapped.
      My Dad told me about this in one of his rare unguarded moments but only once.
      This one was a bit personal.


  6. Are you sure it wasn't another kit in a Mach 2 box? That is a very nice build.

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :

    This model really exemplifies what patience and dedication in

    this hobby indisputably is all about. Working the parts, filling, sanding

    and test fitting. Going by all the skill building procedure to at the end of it all

    end up with a gem as this build clearly shows. A build one can go back in memory

    and appreciate what has evolved from a somewhat poor kit.

    Stand back and rejoice.

    All that translate into ... FUN.

    Good one Alistair, very nice piece of aviation history.

  8. Nicely done! I didn't realize that Mach 2 kits were difficult to build, I always wanted to try their Convair Sea Dart.

  9. Nice! I've done a Mach2, so know what it took to get this into such pristine condition - well done!

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