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David G LANE
123 articles

Lancashire Fusilier 1st Batn, A Co, 1916

January 8, 2022 · in Figures · 8 · 1.2K

Metal Models ~60mm
Replaced the Metal Models head for a Hornet 1:32 head to give a "thousand yard stare"... and much better ears!
Mainly oils

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. This is excellent paintwork, David @mentaldental
    The expression on his face is so realistic.

  2. This is spectacular result, David! His thousand mile staring is, really, phenomenal.
    The head replacing was a perfect move.

  3. Excellent work as usual David. Transplanting the head worked out very well, it really catches the thousand mile stare look.

  4. Very good work, David, especially on this scale! I really like eye painting, I keep fighting with them on my figures.

  5. "1,000 yard stare" indeed! He looks absolutely traumatized. What fantastic paintwork.

  6. Well done, usual. As other's stated, you captured that "I've head enough" stare...

  7. Excellent! I really like the overall look, and the face is a great piece of work. Keep 'em coming!

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