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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/72 Hasegawa Spitfire Mk VII

March 22, 2022 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.7K

I just finished this Mk VII today, my first build of the year. I scratch built the rear bulkhead for the pressurized cockpit and added seat belts as well as Quickboost exhaust and a resin ventral ID light. The model was painted with MRP paints and markings are from Barracudacals. This is the 13th 1/72 Spitfire in my collection.

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8  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Looks unreal. You've certainly mastered the 1/72 Spitfire!

  2. Well done, Geoff! Looks like 1/48. @caabreu

  3. Excellent result, Geoffrey!

  4. Superb build, Geoffrey @caabreu
    Very nice paintwork and weathering.

  5. Wonderfully done, especially for the scale.

  6. Never enuf Spitfires. Well done.

  7. Great job! How was your model building?

  8. Amazing 1/72 build! Don't see too many Mk VII's and yours looks amazing.

  9. Love the color scheme, great job!

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