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David G LANE
123 articles

Roland C.IIa (Late) 1916-17.

April 21, 2022 · in Aviation · · 13 · 1.3K

WNW 1:32
Tamiya paints
Prop: oils over acrylic
Gaspatch turnbuckes and Parabellum
Air Master gun barrel to Spandau 08

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

20 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Well-done, David. Build and paint work outstanding. Incredible job on engine and exhaust reflects great skill. And the little guy on the wing...super cool...but needs his goggles and white silk scarf before take-off.

  2. Nice work, David! Great paintwork.

  3. Always amazed by your work - I especially like the work you do on the metals, and the wood props - so fantastically real looking. I think your teddy bear looks better weathered than some of my models!

  4. Truly excellent result, David!

  5. Stunning results as usual David. That teddy bear is a cuddle touch 😉

  6. Exceptional nice looking build, David @mentaldental
    Lots of details, for example how you painted the welding on the exhaust, the seat and the teddy, very nice.

  7. Beautiful work, David... I hope you don't mind me introducing your Roland's twin - the first ever WnW kit I built.
    It's a very nice model once completed, and yours is indeed first class... very well done ;-).


    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  8. Atsa nice fish. Another Lane killer. Beautifully done all over, but like the muffler, prop and Teddy Bear especially.

  9. Beautifully done!

  10. Excellent job, as usual.
    With my best compliments.

  11. Many thanks all. Glad you like it

  12. Hello David Your Wingnutwings models look so realistic that it's hard to believe that they are just models. I admire your great talent and I would love to learn something from you. Could you perhaps make a short Tutorial as a video on YouTube during one of your works, showing how you paint and age your beautiful models? I guess this is the dream of many modellers. I like your models and their effects so much that I can't imagine painting my own models differently than yours

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