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F-4D Phantom

May 22, 2022 · in Aviation · 8 · 1.1K

Dear Modelers,

I actually finished this model some months ago, but I did not feel like posting this guy earlier with the event in Ukraine and many friends in Kyiv and around trying to save their life.

Anyway, this is a classic model from Tamiya I bought in 1995. It took years before I felt the confidence, then the motivation to build this big model of more than 55 cm in length. Building this kit I really noticed the huge improvement we benefit today on new kits. For sure after more than 20 years, decals were dry but thanks to Reid Air Publications I was able to go with a nice version that did not require this awful brown camo used in Vietnam ;-P

The fitting of this kit was... mmmmhhh... grrrr... pfffff... not great and the putty was my friend. I also add tons of scratch builds (plus PE from Eduard) in the cockpit and the engines are from Reskit.

Based on pictures, I tried to create a lot of nuances and fading effects often observed on those aircraft. The metallic part behind the exhaust was done with the metallic pigment from Uschi van der Rosten.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Alex, that paint work is fantastic. The staging really sets it off as well, but really, top marks for the quality of this build.

  2. Awesome work on this build! on photo 3 it looks like some repair work on the panels. the lizard euro paint scheme was not the prettiest on a Phantom, but you did a great job on it.

  3. Excellent painting and weathering.

  4. Amazing result, Alex!

  5. You did great on this kit, Alex @modalex6149
    Fantastic result on the painting and weathering.

  6. very nice work Alex. Impressive just as the Phantom is and deserves such good work

  7. Nicely done old warhorse! Can never go wrong with a Phantom - this looks great!

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    Alex said on June 3, 2022

    Many many thanks dear iModelers for your kind and motivating messages 🙂
    Working at the moment on a WWI British tank, Mark V Male. Marvelous model from Meng 1/35. One side will be open to looking inside as in a museum and the other side will be heavily weathered with the feet in the terrain. Happy modelling 🙂

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