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First Wooden Puppet

May 12, 2022 · in Figures · 6 · 1K

A short visit to the Czech Republic gave me a glimpse to the world of puppet making. The first attempt was aimed to make a Child, but the face could not come up nicely. Some one said that when you make a puppet, a bit of you gets into it. Seems true. The eye should move, however they just pop out- will work on it.

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7  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Fantastic result, Sanjay!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Sanjay!

    Just like your other creations, true, old-fashioned craftsmanship!
    I like it very much!

  3. Excellent craftsmanship, Sanjay @sanjaybahti
    What kind of wood are you using?

    • Thank you Mr. John for your observations. For this I used pine wood for the body, the shoes are of a different wood, I am sorry I don't know the wood type. With regards, Sanjay

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