4 articles · 320 karma · 2 friends · active 1 year ago

Had never done scale modeling. A picture of HMS surprise started it all. Got a Piece of wood and started. Some of the tools had to be self made. All pieces are carved out from solid wood. Till now the preferred medium is wood. Took two years to complete the double decked three masted ship. Completed a Stage Coach. After Arado Sea Plane, was trying to do something small. For sometime wanted to do a puppet. The puppet is still work in progress, the little fellow is still to go on strings. The joints fixtures are temporary. Trying to find fine bolts.

First Wooden Puppet

A short visit to the Czech Republic gave me a glimpse to the world of puppet making. The first attempt was aimed to make a Child, but the face could not come up nicely. Some one said that when you make a puppet, a bit of you gets into it. [...]

Arado Ar 196 Fixed Wing in wood

As the world is gripped by Covid 19, and India is under a 21 day lock down with extension possibilities high, it was the best time to finish the Arado Ar 196 Fixed wing recon plane. Trying to make it by looking at the different pictures of [...]

Chiseled Out HMS Surprise Frigate

Completed HMS Surprise with Cabinet . The width of the Ship is not proportionate, realized it half way, Completely hand made. It took two years to complete this ship.

Stage Coach, Scratch Build Solid Wood No Decals, with display cabin completed

The Stage Coach got finally completed along with a display cabinet. Material used-wood. The cabin with seats, top chairs, carriage drivers seat, storage boxes on top and back, used tin sheet for the back storage space. Chassis with [...]