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Simon Nagorsnik
46 articles

MAZ-537: Stalker scenario (1/72)

May 8, 2022 · in Armor · · 15 · 2K

This dio shows a fictional scenario in which a group of stalkers roam an abandoned restricted area.
The MAZ with the built-up shelter represents their "caravan".
The whole thing was from the Pc game/ novel series S.t.a.l.k.e.r. inspired, by what is happening in the zone around chernobyl.

Why I chose this truck?
I relly like it and it was easy to build the shelter on it.

The model comes from the set 5003 and the assembly went without any problems.
Simple processing and a very good fit of the parts ensured that everything was assembled quickly.
The minus points of it:
-There is no steering angle that can be built out of the box, which makes the whole thing look a bit static.
-There is no engine included, so you can see into an empty space from behind.
-The driver's cab is also very simple and reduced the details to a minimum.

So I added a scratch build engine to fill up the empty space and added a few more details in the cab.

The shelter is offered from Balaton Modell (BM7246) and is a resin ast piece.
This combination is an idea of ​​mine and has never existed like this.
However, I had this in stck and finally found a use for it.

I added some details to the shelter and the roof of the truck.
Lighting, mudguards, step plates, tools, stepladder, flue and the boxes are not original and were scratch-built and supplemented.

I thought that the resin base (D005) fits well for this project.
I reworked the ground with acrylic structure paste and added details.
I built the electric pole myself, using wood, plastic parts and copper cable and the barrier from Mig Productions.
The signs are made of PE parts that I have provided with decals and did some aging.
Also i've taken some barrels and animals from my spare parts box.

Figures are from Italeri Nato troops and Warsaw pact sets.
I modified two of them a bit.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

41 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Awesome!

    I'd not worry about a simplified cab interior in this scale, between the small size and the window glass any more than you've already done would be invisible. I stopped doing tank interiors for this very reason, all that work disappears when things get closed up

    • I know what you mean Mark, it's always a pity when a well done interior just is hidden.
      That's why I stopped the detailing inside after the dry fitting.
      But the back wall inside could still be reworked a bit...

  2. Some strong work all around. For 1/72nd it really works. The theme seems to be very contemporary with the current conflict in Europe. Chernobyl comes to mind.

    Two thumbs up.

  3. I like the dio a lot! Great scale model work Simon!
    Is this image from the same game? It has always struck me as so creepy and forlorn.

  4. Excellent diorama, Simon @s-nagorsnik
    Your detailing work is excellent as always, for example the airborne bird close to the telephone pole.
    Well done.

  5. Thanks for all your nice comments guys!
    I'm very glad about the good feedback:)

  6. Another excellent diorama, Simon @s-nagorsnik!
    As usual, your attention down to every detail is outstanding!

  7. Profile Photo
    Walt said on May 9, 2022

    That is some remarkable work Simon, @s-nagorsnik, especially considering the scale. For such a compact scene there is a lot to enjoy and look at. Your building, paint and weathering are exceptional, really beautiful work.

  8. Nice work. No road side pick-Nick ! ( as in the novel of the same name that defined The Stalker theme )
    Well done and Inspiring.

  9. Remarkable work indeed, @s-nagorsnik. Actually, it's amazing work, in 1/72.

  10. Great great job, the weathering effect are impressive.

  11. Thank you fof all your nice comments!

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