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Nikola Pentić
8 articles

Eduard 1/48 F6F-5 Hellcat

June 10, 2022 · in Aviation · · 11 · 1.1K

Seems I forgot to post this one after it was finished last year, so here it is now.

Profipack kit, no problems with construction, paint is Model Master with Gunze coats. Weathering with various stuff.

Only real problem I had were the decals from Sky Models. They didn't stick to the surface, they were very stiff and unresponsive to any kind of decal solution. On the other hand, I used Eduard stencils which behaved perfectly.

Not a perfect one by any means, but I'm glad it is finished.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Looks perfect from here, Nikola!
    A great Hellcat!

  2. Agree with Spiros; no imperfections seen here. Very nice work.

  3. Yep, a mighty fine Hellcat! Love the weathering - makes the monochromatic blue come alive with interest.

  4. Same here, perfect looking Hellcat, Nikola @nick
    Still on my wishlist and your build increased its priority.

  5. Nice work, Nikola! That’s one of my favorite kits.

  6. Great looking Hellcat! Sounds like a nice, I did their 1/72 kit.

  7. Gotta love a Hellcat in overall Dark Sea Blue! I really like the way you weathered the prop blades. Something I recently started doing on my aircraft models. Very good sir!

  8. Gloss sea blue is a color that's hard to get to look "to scale", but you've done a fine job of it.

  9. My friend your hellcat looks great. If you don´t say it (about the decals) I don´t even imagine that because it looks real nice.

    I allways try to do my best in every model but at the end no one is perfect. To me is to have a little fun when I´m building models, trying to forget about many things in life, trying to do sometihing that make me feel happy.

    Actually I´m going to star a 1/32 Hellcat from Trumpeter (just like yours) and looking your model inspires me to star it as far as I finish my Tamiya Dornier Pfeild.

    Have a great one.

  10. Thank you Enrique!

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