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David G LANE
123 articles

Fokker Dr.1 Joseph Jacobs

June 29, 2022 · in Aviation · 9 · 1.3K

1:32 WNW
Aviattic decals all over
Prop: Properplane
Engine WNW from Camel kit, Clerget 130 hp

Reader reactions:
19  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Love your work, David!
    the weathering at the wheels area is second to none!

  2. Another masterpiece, David @mentaldental
    This one will draw attention as well.

  3. Yep, beautiful Triplane David, with all your trademark quality.
    I can see that the upper wing has no warping whatsoever. Any hints on how you solved it so well or was it a good run production?

  4. Exceptional work on a striking paint scheme, David (@mentaldental). I don't build things with more than one wing, but if I did, it would be a Dr.1. Well done.

  5. Another WW1 winner, David! I love that scheme.

  6. Beautifully done!

  7. Beautiful results.

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