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Pedro L. Rocha
40 articles

Quick walkaround on a local show

June 25, 2022 · in Show Reports · · 11 · 1.1K

Today I had the pleasure going for my first model in the past 2/3 years, adding to the fact it was also my first time in that specific show, already on its VIII edition, the one from the associação de modelismo regiao de Lisboa, held in a nearby suburb

Here's a quick walkaround photos I took focusing those that better caught my eye, despite the fact that the quality of the work displayed was very high overall, including some from the Junior contest. Really nice stuff!

One feature that I absolutely enjoyed seeing was the kids table- where a a handful of youngsters were cutting through Airfix models with a few parents providing guidance, very cool!

This Special Hobby Heinkel 115 in 1/48 was to me the best model presented there, even if it was not for the jury contest

Hope you enjoy the remaining pics!

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

36 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. These are great , I would love to get to a club day again. Some really nice exhibits there , I really like the submarine

  2. Nice work - I was particularly taken by he F2A-1 Finnish Buffalo - recreating what the existing survivor looked like when dragged out of the lake.

    Looks like there was lots of other cool things there too.

  3. Some interesting motor bikes there.

  4. Thanks for posting these, Pedro (@holzhamer). There are some really nice models here. I am sure some of these are lockdown models.

  5. Amazing collection of beaitiful models, Pedro!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks for uploading these pictures, Pedro @holzhamer
    The Montañés looks impressive, not only the size.
    Next weekend we have the World Model Expo in Eindhoven, I'm eager to go there.

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