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Boris Grgić
40 articles

1/72 Kovozavody Prostejov Piper Pa-25 Pawnee Crop Duster

July 3, 2022 · in Aviation · · 18 · 2.3K

I don't even know what to say about this model. The idea of a crop duster in action came up to my head, thought about it for few weeks, finally found some time to isolate myself from the world and make it happen.

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Wow! Boris! This is absolutely superb!

  2. That is truly a great idea! Well, well done. Congrats.

  3. Very original and very well done. I like it very much. Bravo!

  4. An absolute amazing diorama Boris @grgast
    Well thought and perfectly executed.

  5. Very original. It looks so real . Well done Boris.
    Makes me think of Hitchcock’s « North by Northwest »

  6. Very original idea and a lot of good work obviously there to bring it to fruition.

  7. Brilliant, Boris, did you use pipe cleaners for the spray?

  8. Very well done and very effective diorama. Bravo.

  9. Fantastic job, creativity to the max!

  10. Love this Boris ,so imaginative . Well done.

  11. Very impressive, Boris (@grgast). Beautifully executed diorama. It looks like the field is cut from a door mat?

  12. As they said above, well done Boris.

  13. That is supper cool. Nice work.

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