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Thomas Probert
59 articles

Avro Vulcan BMk2 (Airfix 1/72nd new tool)                         ​

July 24, 2022 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.9K

Afternoon all,

Here's the latest model to take off from my bench - the new-tool 1/72nd Avro BMk2. After grafting on some very long-term projects of late I decided I needed something relatively straightforward for a system reset and mojo reboot and this proved to be just the project. I found it an absolute delight to build - actual construction only took four evenings and the whole model was completed in just under two weeks. In fact, it's the first model I can remember in absolutely ages that I didn't put down for a few weeks and return to it later as I'd lost interest - I just wanted to keep going!

As with most of Airfix new-tool kits, tolerances are very tight indeed and therefore I gave each surface to be glued a quick swipe with a sanding pad and this meant an almost perfect fit for all components. I was really impressed with how the intakes went together, and with a quick swipe of Milliput White they look seamless with the minimum of effort.

I wanted to do a later version than is currently supplied in the box so bought an Xtradecal sheet to make a 101 Squadron machine based at RAF Waddington in the mid 1970s. Two type of jet pipes are provided in the kit, and I had no idea which were fitted to this aircraft so went with the same as the one currently preserved at Duxford as they seemed of the same vintage. The kit's bomb bay is beautifully rendered and with some careful painting comes up beautifully out of the box. If you build this kit, don't waste your time detailing the interior of the cockpit as next to nothing can be seen - I just did the absolute basics. Xtracolor enamels were used throughout and I gave it a satin varnish as these machines seemed very well maintained in service and other than a few streaks and stains here and there, I kept her reasonably clean as period photos suggest.

I recommend this kit to anyone looking for a large and impressive model in their display cabinet but not requiring a huge amount of effort - it's a pleasure!


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16  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Very nice! Every time that I see a Vulcan, I'm reminded of the Bond movie Thundeball!

  2. Great build, ultra-cool looking airplane.

  3. Beautiful work, Tom! The Vulcan is an excellent subject, I am happy to hear the Airfix kit is such a pleasure to build!

  4. Excellent result, Thomas @vacform
    Saw a demonstration of it once in Volkel. What an amazing aircraft this is, just like your build.
    Well done.

  5. Amazing result, Thomas!

  6. This is a great post. Thanks for reminding us that we can do simple, fun builds that look great. And it does look GREAT!

  7. Great work @vacform and super result. Thanks for the mojo boost - I have this kit sitting here waiting.

    I love the Vulcan. I almost caused two freeway crashes up in Sacramento when a Vulcan took off from Mcclallan AFB right over the I-880 freeway - happened twice! And then in 1977 up at the Abbotsford show, the visiting Vulcan did an airshow aerobatics routine, ending with a full-power wings-vertical 360 at 1,500 ft inside the airport perimeter - the ground literally shook!

    I want to do XM505 in the one-off scheme from 1976 when she visited Red Flag and had an over-under scheme of grey-green on top and a desert "mirror" of mid stone/dark earth below.

  8. Other than the EE/BAC Lightning I would suggest that the 'Flying Flat Iron' did more for RAF recruitment in the 1960's & 70's than any other aircraft on the role.

    Great build Thomas, very nice pics aswell.

  9. Very nice, Thomas (@vacform). I built the old Airfix Vulcan many years ago, but this one is light years ahead of that one. Well done.

  10. Nice work, Tom! Great work on the hard edge camo.

  11. I’ve decided not to build any more military models but a 1/48 Vulcan would tempt me, especially in the earlier overall white scheme.

  12. Nicely done Thomas, it does look good, it's on my wish list, to be finished in white.

  13. Beautiful ,super clean job Tom .Well done mate.

  14. Lovely job Thomas!

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