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Tom Hering
9 articles

1/8 Aurora "Blue Knight of Milan"

October 30, 2022 · in Figures · · 12 · 1.3K

Completed in 2022. This is a bagged kit of the Blue Knight, first released in 1957. The nameplate on the base said "Sir Galahad," so it was part of the 1967 "Camelot" reissues. Fortunately, I was able to get a pre-1967 base from an eBay seller in France - one with a nameplate that says "Milan 1520" (so it will fit in with the other Knights I'm making). Most of the armor color is the metallic blue the kit was molded in. The dark metallic blue and light metallic blue of the armor's decoration are custom mixes of Army Painter acrylics. The model was finished with three hand-brushed coats of Pledge floor finish.

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10  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. A really nice figure, Tom!

  2. Turned out very well.

  3. Good looking knight, Tom @tomhering
    Your custom mixed colors do look superb.

  4. You've gone and pulled another subject from the deep past. Nice job!

  5. Very cool, Tom (@tomhering). I remember building this kit a long time ago, but yours is significantly better than mine turned out. Well done.

  6. Really outstanding paintwork on this.

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