October 27, 2022 · in Diorama · · 14 · 1.3K

Riproduzione del faro Francesco Crispi, anche detto faro Mussolini, le cui spoglie e rimanenze si trovano ancora in . Iniziato nella sua prima versione in carpenteria metallica nel 1924 e rifinito in pietra nel 1930 in località Capo Guardafui, Somalia colonia italiana, fino alla caduta del regime fascista.

La riproduzione è in due versioni, una in scala 1:72, l altra in versione 1:35 modificata a mo' di lampada, con luce.

La versione 1:72 ne ho realizzato anche un da montare stampato in PLA 3D.

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10  Awesome 1 

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. cool! Nice build- thanks for sharing!

  2. Amazing build, Marco! Welcome aboard!

  3. Fantastic lighthouse, Marco @msgiorgi62
    You made a beautiful entry with this build.
    Welcome to iModeler.

  4. For those who don't read Italian, here are the details of this:

    Reproduction of the Francesco Crispi lighthouse, also known as the Mussolini lighthouse, whose remains are still found in Somalia. Begun in its first version in metal carpentry in 1924 and finished in stone in 1930 in Capo Guardafui, Somalia, an Italian colony, until the fall of the fascist regime.

    This is really interesting. The talent and craftsmanship in its creation is really impressive, and the result is outstanding.

    That it's published the day before the centenary of Il Marcia su Roma, the coup that destroyed a country trying to build democracy, is a timely reminder that "things remain," given recent political events in Italy.

  5. Non ti posso rispondere sul commento politico, non è questo il luogo adatto, qui si parla di modellismo.

  6. Nicely one! I got the lighthouse and Somalia as well as colony and Mussolini. The original kit was 1/72 , you scratch built the 1/32and made it a lamp?

  7. Yes, First and second pictures, 1:35 scale.

  8. Molto ben fatto !

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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