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iModeler tutorialMarkdown formatting Q&A

Database entry · October 13, 2022 · in How-to · · 352
This article is part of a series:
  1. iModeler tutorial - Quick formatting guide for articles, posts & comments
  2. iModeler tutorial - Markdown reference guide
  3. iModeler tutorial - BBCode (deprecated) reference guide
  4. iModeler tutorial - Markdown formatting Q&A

Can I use HTML in my posts?
Yes, you can use a limited set (as opposed to full range) of HTML tags.

How do I make the text bigger (colorful, centered, etc) ?
You can't. Markdown will help you to add formatting to the body text of your posting, within the realm of the visual styling used at the site. You cannot arbitrarily control font size, text color or alignment in Markdown.

Can I combine styles, for example put a bullet list within a blockquote, or an image within a link?
Yes you can, no problem.

Can I use Markdown to style an add or announcement?
That's more than a formatting question. Using your iModeler membership to push advertising or promotions is generally prohibited, and spammy ads or clickbaiting even more so. Our Content Posting Rules will provide an ultimate guidance to what you can or cannot post. That said, we may moderate post formatting that we find abusive to the intended use of the styles or misleading to the user.

Can BBCode and Markdown be combined in the same text?
Both are supported and can be mixed freely in the same post. However, we recommend using Markdown whenever you can.

Can Markdown and HTML be combined in the same text?

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