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Juan Ravizzoli
35 articles

Yamaha Vmax 2004

October 22, 2022 · in Automotive · · 14 · 1K

Greetings to all forum members.

Every now and then, among so many military models, a civilian model appears... This time I want to show you this kit, in scale.

It is built straight out of the box. The fit of the parts is good, with a more or less correct detailing. If there is something to criticize the kit, it is the presence of a lot of burrs in some parts.

I hope you like it and greetings to all.

See you next time!

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. I love this bike, I nearly bought this kit myself, great build, Juan, I just wish you had put it in our new Motorcycle Group.

  2. Amazing result, Juan!

  3. Absolutely like this build, Juan @juanravi73
    Looks very realistic.

  4. Wow ! , love a Vmax, 1200cc, V4 motor ,shaft drive and super powerful ,this bike is a monster ,everything a Harley could never be...
    Well done Juan.

  5. Excellent looking Vmax! Very clean build of an excellently well rounded, stylish bike.

  6. Great job! Liked. The V-max was a monster bike for it's day.

  7. Great work Juan, it looks so realistic, love it man, keep it up.

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