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Mervyn Cook
7 articles

Pegasus 1/48 Hawker Hurricane

January 16, 2023 · in Uncategorized · 14 · 0.8K

I love this kit! It's a snap fit but fits great and is very robust, the interior is pretty good and it's half the price of any other kit. The plastic is textured but on a matt finish it doesn't show, downside, landing lights are just engraved lines and there is no pitot tube. There is a wheels up option but supply your own pilot, I cheated and used a 2 blade prop from spares and decals from a classic airframes kit. The kit decals look fine, and stickers are provided for kids to use. I brush painted Humbrol enamels throughout, which went down like a dream, and finished off spraying Humbrol matt varnish. Apart from drying time, the whole model took about an hour! I will certainly build their other kits, and I'm saddened the early Fw 190 is no longer available.

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14 responses

  1. A superb result for a "snap" kit, Mervyn!
    And kudos to your hand-paint skills!
    Well done!

    • Always kind Spiros! I wouldn't brush paint a 32 scale Lanc! But it's much less hassle on a small kit. I wouldn't brush paint a Luftwaffe mottle either. Your great work puts me to shame! But I'm an old dog now!๐Ÿ˜„

  2. Spiros, is onto something with the hand painting. Not everybody can do that well. I've used an airbrush for so long that I would struggle with a hairy brush. A good painter and some Humbrol paints makes for a good combination. When making this kit Pegasus, must of looked at Hasegawa and Airfixe's kits and borrowed some things, simplified others and made things easier to assemble. Its a fun kit at a reasonable price Mervyn.

  3. Thanks Stephen, I find a couple of coats, the first will be the primer, does the job. But spraying the varnish makes the whole thing look sprayed imo. I personally wouldn't brush the varnish.

  4. Beautiful result, Mervyn @frank1957
    Your handpainting skills are really impressive. Well done.

  5. Thanks John, I'm retired and getting plenty of practice.

  6. Great work Mervyn! I handpainted my builds for decades before I finally bought an airbrush a few years ago. Takes some effort to do it well, so kudos!

  7. Beautiful work, Mervyn! I've several of the Pegasus kits in the stash, rebought after I gave the first lot away for a father to build with his child. Everything you've said is spot on about general quality. I've got their Spitfire started, which seems based on the Revell Spitfire, lacking the underwing scooping, and is close to a Mk. II with Rotol prop. It has decals for one of Eric 'Sawn off Lockie' Lock's mounts. Can you tell if your Hurricane is based on another kit, and what unit/pilot were the kit's original decals? Hope my age and medical issues will let me finish my Spitfire as well as you've done your Hurricane. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing!

    • Sorry Chris I'm late with my reply.i think the tool is unique to Pegasus, it seems different from both Airfix and Hasegawa. The kit option is for a Polish RAF squadron, I thank God for them, the codes are RF. The decals look fine but I wanted a 1938 look on my model, it's a cheat, because Hurricanes had fabric wings then. Most Hurricanes were built in Gloucester, my home town, but we only built metal wing aircraft.

  8. Hand paint/spray, cement/push fit, stickers/water slide transfers, none of it matters as long as you enjoy it, and you obviously did, Mervyn, enjoy your retirement.

  9. Thanks George, my guilty secret is I wish all kits were like this๐Ÿ˜„

  10. Fine looking Hurricane, Mervyn. At first glance, I thought it was airbrushed, so job well-done using old-school modeling on a WWII classic!

  11. Thanks Joe, I guess I'm old school! I like my models to look like museum pieces without weathering. I used to work at the Jet Age museum!

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