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guy barker
11 articles

Revell 1/32 FW 190 A-8 / R11 Build

January 7, 2023 · in Aviation · 16 · 1K

Hi all

My first post on any modelling site, so a bit of catching up to do 🙂

I'm not a historian so my modelling will capture mistakes as well as triumphs for me, so to kick off my modelling entry into the social media world I have posted some pictures of Revells 1/32 Fw 190 A-8 / R11. I built this one last year but only now plucking up the courage to post.

I like these Revell kits, enough detail to show from the box but also a good starting block for extra detail if required. Any way fingers crossed for a good reception and to future posts 🙂


Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. A fantastic result, Guy!
    Keep them coming!
    Welcome aboard!

  2. A great entry on this wonderful website, Guy @thom
    You did create a beautiful nightfighter variant of the Wurger.
    Welcome aboard.

  3. Nice 190, Guy. Welcome!

  4. Looks good, nice work

  5. Moar photos!

    This is a really nice model, very good work and a great result. Welcome to the best modeling club on the planet.

  6. Many thanks for your kind response every one 🙂
    Now happy to post some more 🙂

  7. That’s one eye catching Wurger! Nice paintwork overall. A splendid first post on the best modelling website @thom.
    One small detail- the size of the swastika, seems a tad under scale

    • Hi Pedro.
      Sadly I damaged the kit decals and after searching in my box of spares found a pair of swastikas. They were on a 1/32 sheet but I did think they looked a bit small at the time. 🙁

  8. Well done, Guy. Welcome aboard we look forward to seeing more of your nice work.
    This is my first site and only site picked a good one!

  9. Fine looking FW. Your camo work came out very well.

  10. Nicely done. Welcome to the site. We will look forward to more from you.

  11. Well done, guy (@thom). Welcome to the site and I am looking forward to seeing more of your excellent builds.

  12. Good looking 1/32 scale 190, Guy, welcome to iModeler, a few more photographs would be a nice addition, but I understand models of this size may be difficult to photograph.

  13. Well done Guy and welcome aboard. iModeler is a nice friendly site where lots of helpful modelers reside.

  14. You've come to the right place to get a good reception - we're all just a bunch of modeling nerds wanting to have fun and improve as we go! That's a very nice looking 190 - you'll fit right it!

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