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Paul van Acker
118 articles

Panzer fest.

February 25, 2023 · in Armor · 10 · 584

Completed earlier this week, my Tamiya 1/48 Panzerkanpfwagen II Ausf A, 6th Panzer division France 1940 and Panzerkampfwagen III sPzAbt 502 1st Company Russia 1942. Final pic is my Panzer I, II and III all lined up for size comparison.

I don't paint figures well, but have one in there for size comparison also. I'll improve as I go. Hopefully.

Somewhere down the line this line up will grow. I couldn't help but build them in order. Probably some kind of "ism" I'm suppressing. Clearly a IV will be next.

Thanks for looking.

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9  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. @paulwoodyvanacker - Nice work Paul! Cool to see them in order actually. Painting figures is just like everything else. Time and practice. The skin tone you chose does seem a bit yellow. I'd look into using some Citadel flesh tones, Kislev Flesh and Cadian Fleshtone are both good, then a wash with Reikland Fleshshade does a very nice job. Then the only real challenge left is the eyes.

  2. Fantastic job, Paul!
    All looking super, figure included!

  3. Great result, Paul
    To me everything looks nice, including the figure.

  4. Very nice work indeed Paul @paulwoodyvanacker! 🍺

  5. Nice job, Paul, these 1/48 Tamiya kits seem very good. How many different Panzers were there.

  6. Nicely done Paul. in 1/48 scale to me is more manageable space wise.

  7. Very well done, Paul. Who makes the Pz.I kit?

    • Thank you. That's the Gasoline kit from France.
      Hard to get nowdays but there's many others around. You can get 3D print versions at various places as well.

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