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Slava Sidelnik
1 article

1/700 U-48 type VII u-boat

March 16, 2023 · in Ships · 9 · 522

This was my first experience in 700 scale. And I think the last one. After watching a video on my respected Scaletone channel, I was inspired and bought this model. I certainly enjoyed the project, but the result was mixed. The whole problem is that such a scale looks good only on the screen. In real life, you have to strain to see something. Neither my wife nor children saw people there, although they are there. Conclusion. This scale is only for large ships

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Wow! 😳 There are people in there? Man, that is nice work at that tiny scale!
    Well done Slava @slava7272 🍻 Are there fish in that sea as well? πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜„

    oops...edited to add, Welcome to iModeler, a great scale modeling community! πŸ‘

  2. I think it looks bloody awesome - i mean i get your point but here on my labtop it looks great, like straight out of an Indiana Jones movie.

  3. Looks nevertheless wonderful, Slava!
    Welcome aboard!

  4. Beautiful submission, Slava @slava7272
    Welcome to this great community.
    To me you did great on this diorama, especially in this tiny scale.
    Well done.

  5. Nicely done diorama and build, great job. The smallest 1/700 that I've done was a US Navy FFG, and that strained my eyes. all four of them.

  6. Excellent display, welcome to iModeler.

  7. I really like that little kit. You did a great job making something so small interesting and fun to look at. Great idea and way to show off your work.

  8. Nice work. You must have very steady hands!

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