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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

An interesting "unplanned result"or how to keep the dust off the models

March 21, 2023 · in How-to · 16 · 0.6K

I've had to get some air purifiers recently, to deal with the increased dust around my house and keep control of the COPD (thank you very much #$%##@! cigarettes). Anyway, I've just run across an "unplanned result" to that which is really nice.

I happened to dust off some models shortly after installing the air purifier in the office where I display them for inspiration while writing. It's been three weeks now, and I realized looking at them that none of them have any dust on them! So I am in process of dusting off the rest.

Now that air purifiers are as cheap as they are, you can afford to get a small room purifier that will end the problem of cleaning off the models without knocking something off in the process.

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16 responses

  1. Sounds an amazing trick, Tom! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have been pondering buying a purifier for quite a while now. Fine particulate matter is an issue where i live. Is there like a bin at the bottom that you have to empty every once in a while?

  3. I typically keep a Vornado running on low in my office/hobby room, just to keep air moving and clean. I still see dust build up over time, so results may vary. However, good advice, as clean air is not a bad thing.. 🙂

    • Well, it's only been a few weeks, so "build up over time" may still be an issue. But usually within a week or so of a dusting, I can see buildup starting before, and not now. So it may be "build up over quite some time," which would be OK.

  4. That’s a great idea. I will definitely get one for my new model display room, which is almost finished. I just installed 8 glass shelves for the big ones. Now to get them all unpacked……

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. A great idea, Tom @tcinla
    I do have my models all behind glass but still dust is able to reach them.

  6. I got one at Costco. If discharges upward and blows what dust is in the room around, deflecting off the ceiling!
    Models are cleaner nonetheless. If you start w.a. Clean room it helps a lot.
    Super good when one has to clean up a ( Teenagers ) room, evidenced with far less sneezing bouts !
    Ultimately I will build a case with lighting and glass panelled doors.
    Instead of complete glass shelves I will make frames for 2 glass drop in panels. Far less cost in that .

  7. Tom, this sounds like a very good idea. Thanks for sharing!

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