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Robert Royes
258 articles

USS Enterprise Star Trek refurb,AMT/Lesney 1/650

March 12, 2023 · in Sci-fi · · 8 · 544

Instead of buying an overpriced kit whose molds have been around since 1967.I thought maybe I could refurbish one that was hanging in the detached garage for over twenty years and had endured all those winters and summers, plus one roof replacement. I am talking about the 1/650 AMTs kit. The version I have was when Lesney owned . I contacted Round2, the current owners of the mold, and for twelve dollars they sent me a beautiful decal sheet.

For the refurb. I cleaned it up with soap and water with a scotch brite pad, removed the grid on top of the saucer hull, used Tamiya grey prime for a base, finished it with Tamiya usn insignia white, which has a very light grey look to it. Back when the show was first on, we all thought the ship was white, who knew. I didn't get picky with what the right colors are supposed to be used, who's to say, it is science fiction, emphasis on fiction.

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5  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Fantastic refurbishment, Robert! You gave new life to this wonderful, classic Enterprise kit!

  2. Boldly going where very few modelers go - to Refurbishment. With a great result.

  3. The refurbishment turned out perfectly, Robert @roofrat
    This Enterprise can be on display for many more years.

  4. Science fiction at its best.

  5. Great restore, Robert! Live Long and Prosper...

  6. Brings back a lot of memories. Excellent rework.

  7. Looks great, Robert! I love the looks of that ship, apparently they didn't feel the need to clutter up the hull with miscellaneous do-dads like the later shows did...

  8. Nice work Robert, this came out great!

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