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Tony Anderton
29 articles

Revell 1:72 Avro Lancaster "Dam Buster"

May 29, 2023 · in Aviation · · 11 · 357

This kit has really "done my head in" lol

Started off really well, then turned into a "comedy of errors". First off, a decided it would be a good idea to spray the camouflage at about 3am (after a 12 hour work shift), everything went well until i grabbed the WRONG bottle of green and didn't even realise until the morning!

After a lot of bad language, i free handed the correct shade and was actually quite pleased with the effect.

Next was a couple of coats of gloss to seal it all in and the "Lanc" was put to side for a week to dry,

Now time for decals (and this was a REAL disaster!). Decals went down well, although they were rather thick, and, as per usual, i let them dry after adding a coat of micro-sol. They LOOKED great until the following morning and a mass of silvered decals met me!. I sprayed another two coats of gloss, let this lot dry for 48 hours and then started weathering. Silvering was almost gone, so added a Flory Dark Dirt wash. damp cloth at the ready, i gently wiped it away, (as I've always done), and the decals just FLOATED OFF the side of the fuselage...WTF?

VERY strongly worded email sent to , and they promised to send me some more.


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11 responses

  1. This is very bad luck, Tony @tonyanderton
    You were close to the finish line but with the decals torn apart some more time is required, let's hope the new set of decals from Revell will arrive shortly.
    Other parts of this build do look great.

  2. A kit that surely fought you hard, Tony 🙁
    Nevertheless, it looks excellent and with the new decals it will be perfect!

  3. I expect you said “Dam Busters” a few times, Tony, I hope the replacement transfers work out OK. I didn’t know there was more than one shade of green, BRG (British Racing Green) for ever, ha ha.

  4. Great work! But I'm sure that You didn't need radar equipment in cockpit, near navigator seat. In airfix kit You need to cut it out.

  5. Some kits just seem to want to stay in the box , unmolested by the modeler .

  6. Never do ANYTHING at 3am after working a full day. Disaster is waiting...

  7. I myself have decided to continue with a build after a long hot Friday at work followed by alchohol ...too much alchohol, it was never going to end well.
    Really nice result so far , you will win in the end.

  8. You don't let the decals dry before applying Micro-sol. Apply it immediately over the decal on placement, so it can get under the decal. You won't have the problem if you use the proper sequence.

    • Typo Tom, should have said "let them dry AFTER applying a coat of Micro-sol"
      Damn my old eyes (and fat typing fingers) for not spotting that. Thanks for the input though.

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