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martin blackman
11 articles

Another razor back to the collection

July 1, 2023 · in Aviation · · 5 · 303

Another practice model for me same as my last post Diecast donor repainted as Francis Gabby Gabraski P47 D-11 HV*A my shading looks more realistic and I went one stage more than last model as this one got flat coat over decals

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5 responses

  1. Great result, Martin! You did a super job!

  2. Nice way to practice and great results.

  3. Absolutely looking great, Martin @iwantedwings
    The shading does indeed look very nice.

  4. I am on somewhat of a mission. It’s to get people to not call Francis Gabreski ‘“Gabby.” Frank was my father’s wing commander on Okinawa with the 18th TFW in the early 1960’s. Dad said no one called him Gabby and Frank didn’t like that nickname, which was given to him by the press during WWII. So, maybe I sound petty, but it is my way of showing respect to Gabreski, whom my father deeply respected.

    • @angus64 hi Jim I totally understand I didn't know Francis but I did have the honour of putting him in our Tbolt at Duxford when he last came over my good friend Danny Morris an author was his guide and friend I was told Gabby was ok to address him by but I will say the few words I said to him included sir and how does that feel to be back home I don't think I would have been that familiar to have called him Gabby to his face

      cheers Jim

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