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Charles King
130 articles

Skip Container

July 29, 2023 · in Automotive · · 8 · 242

I was hoping I did not have to build my own skip container, but circumstance forced me to do it anyway. But here we are, with a scratch model of a skip container with some metal scrap as the contents. This piece is for my scale truck diorama that I am presently working on finishing.

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8 responses

  1. Great work as always, Charles.

  2. Out of context this would appear to be a real dumpster of scrap metal. Amazing as always.

  3. Fantastic job, my friend Charles! As always, the amount of realism is unbelievable!

  4. Glad you also took some pictures where you can see this is modelled, Charles @tiking
    Your skills to reveal realism is amazing, the rust, the wires seperated from the steel cable, excellent.

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