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Bruce Archer
25 articles

F-16 Group Build-Jersey Devils F-16

August 22, 2023 · in Aviation · 5 · 391

Hi All!

I have several collections going with my built models. One of these is the NJ ANG, especially the 177th FIW out of the Atlantic City(AC) International Airport. Why the “Jersey Devils”? Whenever I would go to in AC, and stop by they would show me great courtesy, showing me the aircraft, and even letting me sit in a F-106. Plus every Memorial Day, during the Guard’s review by the Governor, the 177th would fly a very tight diamond formation over the reviewing stand. Plus during the annual McGuire AFB airshow the 177th would “strafe” a landing ground for flak suppression, the F-105Bs of the 438th would bomb the landing field to allow a C-130 drop a tank and the C-141s drop paratroopers to secure the site. The F-106s were the best….

As the F-106s aged they started to become a maintenance nightmare. Spares were becoming hard to locate and the Falcon missiles the F-106 was saddled with were at best unreliable. Officers of the 177th, and the fans of the 177th all hoped for F-15s. What was issued were F-16s. Ugh! From the beautiful F-106 to the F-16. But the 177th converted in record time, and “Dart Out” the last missions of the F-106 and the celebration of the “Ultimate Interceptor” was a memorable day. The 177th showed class, and gave everyone a good time.

I built an F-106 in the markings of “Dart Out” using the venerable Monogram kit (very nice by the way). Using an F-16ADV I modeled the first 177th scheme applied to the Vipers. Here I am doing the last scheme I saw before the family moved to Florida (yes I miss NJ). This time I used the Hasegawa F-16C/N kit. A typical Hasegawa kit it has a lot of fiddly bits. But it appears to be accurate and I only had to use a small amount of filler. One problem I did have was the gun’s muzzle/opening was missing. I did find one on Hyperscale.

The Viper was painted in FS36118 and FS36270. When the paint had cured a coat of Future was applied. The decals (from Two Bobs sheet 48-042 “Let’s Roll Vipers”) were applied using the Micro System. When dried the decals were given a second coat of Future and finally a flat coat. Any final bits were added and the kit went on the NJANG shelf.

I now have two F-16s, , one F-106 (I need to build the Trumpeter F-106B I have), a T-33, and a F-4E in NJANG markings.

The kit is OK, but I hear the Tamiya is better, so take your choice. This was a fun build, and I can recommend the Hasegawa F-16 to everyone.


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5 responses

  1. This Jersey Devil looks really good, Bruce @rbrucearcher
    Quite a change from the F106 to the F16.

  2. Fantastic build, Bruce!

  3. Nice F-16, Bruce. I’m a fan of the Hasegawa kit too.

  4. Well done F-16, Bruce!

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