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Thomas Probert
59 articles

Pure nostalgiaAirfix 1/24 Me-109E

August 21, 2023 · in Aviation · · 10 · 519

Evening folks,

With the summer holidays here, there's been some welcome additional modelling time and this was finished off over the weekend. I was given this by my dad who had in turn been given it by an old family friend - I think it is an original issue, and if not it's a very early issue of this classic kit from Airfix.

I just wanted to build this more or less as it comes and enjoy it. However, I couldn't let the gaping hollow wheel bays pass so made some simple mods by adding plastic card sidewalls and some Evergreen stiffeners to at least make them sort of passable.

Other than that, I used some Eduard belts for the pilot's seat, Barracuda wheels as the kit's had dried out and cracked when I tried to apply them to the hubs, and some aftermarket decals from Techmod to represent Von Werra's machine who crash-landed not far from me in Marden, Kent - and became 'the one that got away'. Although old and basic by modern standards, this kit is a joy and went together pretty well. Surface detail is sublime and the super-detailer could really have a field day if they were so inclined. I really enjoyed it as nostalgic build from days gone by and that's what it's all about!

Evolution: a couple of the pictures show the 109E alongside the G-model: like the Spitfire the basic airframe had huge potential to evolve and did so as the war progressed.

Paints were all Xtracolor enamels with some weathering using Mig-Ammo pastels. A really enjoyable build - don't overlook these oldies as they scrub up really well!

All the best,

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome 2 

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Great looking Emil, Thomas @vacform
    I do like those early 109s a lot, especially in this scheme.
    Your additional work to the wheel wells definitely paid off.

  2. Very nice!

    For those interested, there is one of those good English WW2 movies from the 50s that gets the history mostly right (other than, strangely, the crashed 109 has its canopy opening to the left!) - "The One Who Got Away," starring Hardy Kruger as Von Werra.

  3. An absolute beauty, Thomas!

  4. Love seeing classic kits built, and yours is awesome!

  5. Define-Workhorse. Very well done pair O' Schmitts. Great boxing job on the wheelwells.

  6. Nice looking 109.

  7. Nice looking 109! Old kits can really scrub up nicely.

  8. You really made a great job of this Thomas , I always wanted to do the 1/24 Mustang "This is it ! ", I had it as a kid and didn't really appreciate the gorgeous lines of this aircraft and the cool name "This is it !" anyway you made a fantastic job of this venerable old girl , well done.

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