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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/72 Hasegawa Ki-44

September 30, 2023 · in Aviation · · 10 · 276

I completed this yesterday. I added a True Details cockpit which really cant be seen, gun barrels ane pitot tube from stainless steel tubing, leading edge landing light from clear sprue and a vac canopy from Dead Design. The model was painted with MRP paints and markings were from a Print Scale sheet.

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10  Awesome 1 

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Nice result, Geoffrey. The Ki-44 is a cool subject.

  2. Love it!
    Good Job
    Thanks for letting us have a peek!

  3. Looks really good.

  4. A really nice result, Geoffrey!

  5. Turned out very neat.

  6. Nicely done Geoffrey.

  7. Wonderful result, Geoffrey @caabreu

  8. Well done. looks great.

  9. Very nicely done!

  10. Great work on this one. This kit is actually my next planned build!

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