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Rob Anderson
207 articles

So CV-62 ran aground, so while planning I will start something different

September 26, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 236

My Indy kit hit a snag when I started really comparing pictures to the kit, lots to correct that will take a bit of planning before starting. The flight deck is, wrong in a number of ways, catwalks, port forward elevator is just not even close to correct. All fixable with some basic skills. In the meantime I decided to start a relaxing "fun" build. 's 1/25 scale armor series was state of the art in the late 60s and early 70s. One of their most impressive was their Tiger I. By todays standards its' accuracy is not great, but it still looks the part when done. I built one in 1973, I can't remember now if it was a birthday gift or Christmas, but my big brother got it for me. It is long gone, lost in a Navy move years ago. I always wanted to do another, and a few years back I was able to get a re-issue at a decent price. I won't try and fix any of its' glaring errors, just build it and paint it the best I can and enjoy the trip down memory lane

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2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Great kit, Rob. Looking forward to seeing you build it. I was given one of those for Christmas in ‘74 or ‘75. I still remember those workable tracks.

  2. Very nice kit, Rob! Looking forward to see it built!

  3. Woo - if that cover art is any indication of what's inside...

    I gotta say, I don't even remember 1/25 Tamiya armor, and I go back all the way to Strombecker kits.

    • Well Tom, the contents are not as good as the box! The 1/25 version has all the same shortcomings as their 1970s 1/35 version. If a person wants an accurate large scale Tiger I, this isn't it, but it still looks great when done and should be a fun Trip down memory lane

    • Oooo I remember 'em. The really early ones had fabulous boxarts. The Jagdpanther, SU 100 and T-34/85 were action packed. My Brother built the early Grey Tiger with those Phieffle things on the back, and it came out pretty darn good. (My Bro was one of the early masters IMHO, he of the scratchbuilt Char B). The ancient T-34/85 still sits on my shelf, dust covered, a relic of daze gone by. I plan to repaint and resurrect it, "One of these days". My LHS still has a couple sitting way up on the high shelf, if you're interested.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  4. Seems like a very nice kit, Rob @robertandy
    Looking forward to it.

  5. Sorry to hear about your Independence project running aground. Happens all the time to me... reality getting in the way of good intentions.

    I remember those 1/25 kits. A childhood friend of mine built the Centurion... at least it's not the RC version. I'd rather get a Border Model (nee Wingnut Wings) Lancaster at that price!

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