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Erik Gjørup
31 articles

F-16 at 50 Group build

December 1, 2023 · in Aviation · · 4 · 215

The prototype for the F-16 (YF-16) was rolled out in December 1973, and first flight was the unintentional one in 1974 on January 20th with the official one following February 2nd.

In order not to have too many long-running group this one will end on February 2nd 2025, to coincide with first flight the 50th anniversary plus one year.

It is thought of as a WIP group, and anything connected to the F-16 will be accepted, including F-16XL, NF-16D Vista and Mitsubishi F-2. So Please present your builds and progress as it happens. If you present a finished one or perhaps an impressive collection, please clearly state this in the description of your pride and joy.

to ease search, tag your posts .
Have fun!

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

4 responses

  1. Excellent GB idea Erik @airbum
    I’m in and will post my build of Kinetic’s MLU NATO Falcon box for a Portuguese AF special livery

  2. Fantastic idea, my friend @airbum!

  3. Nice idea to have a GB for this already iconic aircraft, Erik @airbum
    Entered with an aircraft of RNAF 311 squadron which was based at Volkel.

  4. Great suggestion Erik. I am lucky enough to receive an invitation to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the F-16 at Edwards Air Force Base. As such, I am obligated build a model for permanent display at the base. I just obtained the kit yesterday and I'm glad to contribute to the GB.

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