Novo 1:72 GAL48 Hotspur Mk2
Hey, I am exe AAC and Army aviation gets scant coverage by model companies so gliders are a must. I picked this one up then wondered why? More flash than Gordon and about as accurate as a BBC news report.
Then I looked at jobs that better more experienced modellers have made of them and thought..."OK, best do some modelling".
Talking to an old colleague from the HAAF it became clear that they differed hugely from glider to glider as mods were fitted, so I worked from what he gave me from APs and the few images available. The Hotspur at the AFM is misleading as she is a "bitsa" so...Well it does me.
Why 1:72? Because the other gliders and prospective tugs I have are the same scale.
Panel lines (the Hotspur has very few) were raised so got flatted and re cut. A first.
Cockpit is 100% scratch built. A first, as is the vac form canopy.
Oleos were incorrect to got built from brass rod and tube, wheels Dutch turned to round rather than squircular.
Weathering...awkward. The didn't live long and our gliders certainly got quite muddy underneath. I have images of tyres covered in it. The top, hardly anything.
Why the reddish patch on the tail? I had an accident with some masking tape and removed a portion of the roundel. No spares, didn't want to buy a complete set (from blackbird models) so decided on hangar rash and a quick red dope and fabric repair. We were still using red dope fabric over helicopter "orifices" for weather proofing in the 80s.
It is what it is...You have to love the old gliders where form mattered but GRP wasn't an option
Top notch modeling!
Many thanks, it's a learning curve
Love it, Chris! Such a wonderful model out of the elderly Novo kit!
Cheers chap. Sadly our corps heritage seems to be forgotten by the manufacturers so you have to make do. I have learned a lot from it, screwed up quite a few bits but the little Hotspur is such a rare beast. I only know of one complete one (a patch job but a good one) and a nose section.
Beautiful glider, Chris @chrisballard
So much detail which is definitely not easy to achieve in this scale.
Well done.
Thanks J. I keep trying
Very nice. Really like all those modifications you did to make this glider even more stellar! @chrisballard
Beautiful build of a glider I know nothing about. It really is probably the best looking WW2 glider I've seen. I have to go do some research. Awesome scratch building too! Great work.
A silk purse from a sow's ear. Great work.
Amazing! It's the old Frog kit I built as a kid. You've done great work with it. Nice to see less modeled subjects. Keep up the good work.
Turned out great, nice work.
Excellent work, Chris. I’ve never seen one of these built. The canopy and mud really stand out on yours.
It is always nice to see a rare model subject, and this one surely is and a good view it is.
The painting and your modifications really are a good plus on this model.
Nice modeling Chris.
Thanks very much for such kind words. Appreciated and inspiring.
I know there are bits that could be better, the camera really shows the cock ups (goobers for our American friends
I know that there are anomalies. The small porthole below the cockpit is too far forward. Sadly there isn't enough fuselage in between the cabin door and the cockpit to fit it correctly.
No link between the flap levers but you as likely can't see them anyway...and some didn't have duals in the rear.
Same with the joy stick, spade grip front plain stick rear. Some were like this and I couldn't guarantee matching them so cheated.
Yea, I know the canopy wouldn't as likely close because of the unstrument backs but of the fillet at the front of the canopy had been a cut out (as it was) rather than a bar...
The whole front cockpit is more cramped as I used an image for a datum on the kit canopy...which was in the wrong place. The rear bar in the rear canopy should also be further forward for the seat back with a second bar behind for the harness...but...ah well.
No cable release levers or pedals either...
All that said, it's taught me a huge amount about research, interpretation, looking properly and planning phases to avoid trashing the last phase.
Ideally I want a Master 2 as a tow plane. Seemed simple until it transpired they had a Bristol mercury which was much bulkier than the...PW Wasp? Ono that was in the Mk 3. I have a novo Mk3...perhaps a donor nacelle from a blenheim as a starter...
Sod it, I have an Aussie Sioux to finish...
Enjoy your modelling all

Despite the "cock ups", the model looks great! I doubt that anyone could spot the discrepancies. That kit is yet another reason why I dislike 72nd scale.
I live on the other side of the pond from you , so that means I don't understand some of your colloquialisms. Can you tell me what is an "AAC" and " HAAF" ?
Take care,
Hi John. AAC Army Air Corps, HAAF Historic Army Aircraft Flight. Its funny about the scale thing. People are clamouring for bigger more detailed models, I get that. Thing is the detail still needs addressing and painting whatever the scale. I have seen some large 1:32 HK models at shows here and they really stink because there is nowhere to hide. So I am not sure there is always such a great advantage to size, particularly when you look at offerings from Special jobby, IBG and Arma in 1:72. My eyes at reading distance are shocking but if its all you have.
Well done in spite of the discrepancies you listed - looks very nice!
Cheers. Unless you know the Hotspur...
Wonderful model, I am impressed by your modelling skills -and I like the nature of this seldom seen subject!
Great build and model, congratulations!
Thanks chap
Looks great! I only build 1/72 so appreciate all the work you did to "bring it up to speed." I also enjoy building "old" kits - I've built a Novo or two.
Ta. Funny you should say that...
I have a Master III glaring at me wanting to be a master II. I am looking at a CMK replacement engine and nacelle from the Blenheim which apparently is fairly close. Not much clue re the office but I know people...